Chakra 7 – Connection

Whatever myth has been revealed, now is the time to turn the page to a new chapter in the unfolding story of your life…

I’ve been trying to not feel rushed, to simply sit and observe the flow from a place of connection. Alas, this has not been easy, but here is what came up in my seventh chakra meditation.

A few days ago, I shared a personal story of transformation, via words and video, on the terrifying behemoth that is social media. I wavered back and forth before I did, but in the end, I couldn’t (didn’t want to) stop the momentum. And, you know, for all the unethical shitstorm that is Facebook (and, let’s be honest, a lot of other things in this country and the world right now), what resulted was some of the most beautiful connection I’ve had in months.

That moment of vulnerability sparked so many phone calls. Me – the hermit – on the phone – with people whose voices I hadn’t heard in ages (or ever!) – all day, for nearly two days. And you know what? It was magnificent. Sure, I had to do some energy management. I’m an introvert, after all. But what it absolutely confirmed for me, in a very visceral way, is that I LOVE connecting with people on a meaningful level. I LOVE listening to and holding space for people’s stories. I LOVE really seeing them and meeting them where they are and offering what I can, even if it is just space for them to find their own way.

It was extremely important to find clarity around this piece, moving forward, so to have it come so unexpectedly was quite powerful.

For all of my recent worry about spiritual disconnect, I’ve come to realize that, first, we are ALWAYS connected to the divine, even if it is outside our realm of consciousness and/or we’re not walking in alignment with it, and second, it can take many forms. I can finally see how this stretch has been about divine encouragement through work on the ground, through facing discomfort and the lessons it holds, head-on, and through checking my ego, again and again, while being willing to take risks and explore new things.

Evidently, the next passage in the mythic journey for this lowly soul has officially commenced. Now, to do well by it.

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