Day 20

Sunshine. Cool breeze.

Lingering looks at the bay with each window encounter, accented by tree covered islands, speckled by boats.

Running along a trail. A clever replacement of train tracks. Body unsure what to make of a flat gravel expanse. There are hills, but flat exists here…

Mustn’t get used to it, but shall fully appreciate it.

Overheard conversations of children, getting to know each other. Comfortable, now, after hours of jumping, riding, building, swinging. Every combination of 4 and 3 plus 1 and 2 plus 2. Family histories well intertwined with fantasy.

A trip to Halifax.

Walking. Water. Hills. Physics. Play for hours.

Don’t sleep in the car.


A late supper.

Kid stories shift to birth stories, children move towards legos, men drift to the kitchen, in the usual sequence.

Snacks and books and bed and…

It’s time for me to do the same.

Gratitude for an ordinary yet extra special, almost new moon day.

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