Other Writings

Sleep Addled

I fell asleep while putting my boys to bed tonight… It was glorious and terrible. And glorious. Blue tinged computer light is the terrible part, I’ve just decided. In truth, I’d like to return to the cocoon from which I just dragged myself, all hung with the heavy tapestries of a day well spent. It’s not… Continue reading

Today was…

Today was a giant stick and a five year old’s giant imagination. Today was grey clouds and first orange leaves and layers for warmth. Today was suitcases and boxes and folding and packing. Reminders of how little we actually need.


Today was filled with downpours. Torrential rain pounded the slate roof, then rushed off, clattering, into the metal gutters for hours and hours. There were waves of thunder and the occasional flash that broke through the grey. I love storms, and I welcomed Mother Nature’s support. Today, I began packing. It was a rainy day in paradise.

The Bat

Last night, we stumbled upon a little brown bat. Three boys were the first to spy his furry body on the edge of a rock. With cries of “Mama! Look!” we clambered down to see the sweet, sad, tiny thing. He was hurt and frightened, unable to fly. At first he crawled into a space between the wide,… Continue reading

The Voices of Characters

Today, I am coaxing Mercury (aka “Sara”) onto paper. It is tempting to say that my character is running off with her own tale, embracing her elemental qualities right alongside her planetary, wanting to probe into a side of women in the tech industry (she adamantly changed her “undercover” title, and then took off), that I wasn’t intending to… Continue reading

One Sunday

The morning began with a piercing screech that any mother would recognize as the default method of communicating “low blood sugar” by a small child. Our visiting friends were up before we were. Sleep hung heavy on me, a cup of green tea not enough to clear the cobwebs. I struggled to pull them back, with the energy of… Continue reading

A Day in August

The moon is so bright that the night now hovers in an eight hour limbo between dusk and dawn. It is gorgeous, but I suppose I should save that eulogy for tomorrow… Today is happy exhaustion, and I will not allow for a moment of regret over having not thought in terms of words to share during the… Continue reading

Rough Around the Edges

The light this morning was crisp, and its play of light and shadow through trees was stunning under their canopy. The breeze was cool, and every color vibrant. Mother Nature brought her very best today, and nothing about it seemed rough around the edges. I, on the other hand, have been awake since midnight, when some unknown… Continue reading


The change has been subtle, but I feel it; it’s in the early mornings and the late evenings now. There is an edge to the coolness that wasn’t there a week ago. More misty mornings. Shorter days. Summer always seems so fleeting when the shift towards autumn begins, when we are far enough in that I… Continue reading

Today it was Turkeys

I went on a run today, and less than five minutes in, I heard a ruckus in the woods to my right. Based on previous observations and discussions with a variety of local inhabitants, my brain rushed immediately toward “BEARS,” as black bears tend to frequent this area, and the orange-tagged, furry visitors from Connecticut are… Continue reading